Sam Farmer

Growing up I never imagined I would play bass guitar for the Dave Matthews Band. And indeed it never happened.

Simple Example of jQuery Templates Loading JSON data

June 18, 2011

jQuery templates are a cool way to tie a datasource (often json, but at least arrays of maps/structurscriptput. First we define a template which are placed within script tags so that the browser ignores the html inside it: <script id="artistsTemplate" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl"> <div><h4>#${artistid} ${firstname} ${lastname}</h4>${city} ${state}</div> </script>

jQuery templates will loop over the array of maps/structures and for each ${xxx} replace the it with the value of a key of the same name (xxx). Quick sample of the first two records of data: [ {"state":"CO","lastname":"Donolan","firstname":"Aiden","artistid":1,"city":"Denver"}, {"state":"CA","lastname":"Weber","firstname":"Austin","artistid":2,"city":"Berkeley"} ]

The output from that we will place in the following div: <div id="artistsContent"></div>

Data will be loaded each time we click on the Load Data button: <div><button iscript">Load Data</button> <span id="lastLoad"></span></div>

Here is the jQuery that makes it all happen: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#getData").click( function() { $.getJSON("artistsRemote.cfc?method=getArtists&returnformat=json", function(data){ //empty out the div that will hold the generated content $("#artistsContent").empty(); //call the tmpl function, pass in the data and have it append to artistsContainer $("#artistsTemplate").tmpl( data ).appendTo("#artistsContent"); //indicate when last loaded var nowIs = new Date().toLocaleString(); $('#lastLoad').html( nowIs ); }); }); }); </script>

And what it looks like:

Getting the json data from ColdFusion is pretty easy. Here is the full ArtistsRemote.cfc (pick one of the return statements!): component { remote function getArtists() { return entityLoad( "Artists", {}, "artistid"); return ormExecuteQuery(" SELECT new map(artistid as artistid, firstname as firstname, lastname as lastname, city as city, state as state ) FROM Artists ORDER BY artistid"); } }
The first return statement will serialize the whole object, the second just the five properties we will display.

Application.cfc: component { = "templatesSample"; this.datasource = "cfartgallery"; this.ormEnabled = true; }

For this example I am letting ColdFusion introspect the database for all columns which makes Artists.cfc pretty small: component persistent="true" { }

Finally for reference here is the full html page:

<html> <head> <title>Template Fun</title> <style type="text/css"> body { font-family: Arial; font-size: 0.8em; } h4 { margin: 0.5em 0 0 0 } </style> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#getData").click( function() { $.getJSON("artistsRemote.cfc?method=getArtists&returnformat=json", function(data){ //empty out the div that will hold the generated content $("#artistsContent").empty(); //call the tmpl function, pass in the data and have it append to artistsContainer $("#artistsTemplate").tmpl( data ).appendTo("#artistsContent"); //indicate when last loaded var nowIs = new Date().toLocaleString(); $('#lastLoad').html( nowIs ); }); }); }); </script> </head> <body> <div><button id="getData">Load Data</button> <span id="lastLoad"></span></div> <script id="artistsTemplate" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl"> <div><h4>#${artistid} ${firstname} ${lastname}</h4>${city} ${state}</div> </script> <div id="artistsContent"></div> </body> </html>


Thank you for this example. This looks like it will fix some major ajax data that I have currently that returns the whole html and data set.

By: Christopher Chin 06/21/2011 1:45 PM
also worth checking out JSON2HTML .. doesn't require the use of 'bogus' scripts of type (text/x-jquery-tmpl)to hide the template but rather uses JSON as the template, and allows for dynamically adding events.

By: Chad 03/28/2012 2:56 PM
@Chad: Cool. I've been looking at PURE a lot recently.

By: Sam Farmer 03/28/2012 7:00 PM
Some comments have been lost over the years due to moving hosts.


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